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A picture is necessary to start a session. Then contact is made between me and the soul, who can be dead or alive (in the case of an Animal Communication which can help to explain an abnormal behaviour or to prepare the animal for a long travel or a surgery....). The soul can then send informations to me by the use of visions or clairaudience. 



Patients musn't stop or interrupt a treatment, exam or medical investigation asked by a health-professional. Before contacting a magnetizer, be sure that all necessary exams have been done.

The result of the session generally appear in a few days but it can take some weeks to be totally efficient, regarding how the body can deal with magnetism, how old the problem is or how it can be healt.

Here is a small list of the problems I can heal :

  • External bleeding
  • Burns
  • Low back pain
  • Digestive system
  • Wounds, various injuries
  • Phantom pains (after an amputation)
  • Muscle, joint and tendinitis pains
  • Zonas, Cysts
  • Wounds healing after a surgery .....
  • Burn-out, melancholy....
  • Coma


It's a way to receive informations for personnal or professionnal purposes. 

Either people or companies could contact me for these kind of sessions because it brings answers in case of decisions to be taken.

I give the informations exactly as I receive them, by visions or clairaudience, without any interpretation or shortcut from my side.

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